Showing posts with label journaling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label journaling. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

TMI Tuesday: July 24, 2018

TMI Tuesday: July 24, 2018

How are you doing? Check yourself by playing this TMI Tuesday.

Free yourself. . .

1. What do you need to learn but won’t admit to?
How to zig when I should be zaging
2. If you could erase one event from your life, which one would you choose? Briefly describe the event, tell us why you would erase it.
The moment a 1961 Checker cab and I tried to simultaneously occupy the same space. I would erase it because it hurt. A lot.
3. Who drains your energy, and why do you let it happen?
JennyFoo. Because she is the sweetest person in the world I know while being the person most hell bent on self destruction I have ever met.
4. Do your practice ‘self-love’ or ‘self-loathing’?
 A pinch of each because there is only so much time in each moment.
5. What must you do daily to keep yourself ‘sane’?
Bonus:  Who do you blame?
Ronald Reagan. 
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Highly Unlikely

JoJo was the unlikely, as well as the very likely tail end of Tails from Slammies. First impressions are quite often highly skewed and incorrect except for when they are not. For the type of woman you would never peg for a geezer groupie, baby girl resplendent in daddy issues, or grandmother; this tight bodied, tatted up, ageless energetic goofball beauty was a force of nature.

Through the long unfolding of Tails of Slammies, spanning the three sisters of legend: Cathy, Janine, and Peggy, through the incidental drive-by Sindy, JoJo was apropos punctuation.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

TMI Tuesday: November 29, 2016

TMI Tuesday: November 29, 2016

TMI TuesdayHere we go!

love emotion trust

1. What would you do to leave a great impression with a person on your first date?
Listen and then respond in a rational manner. Speak when apropos and then listen some more.
2. Do you usually follow your heart or your head?
I am a googly eyed romantic from way back. So what do you think? Listening now.
3. If your significant other told you to jump off a tall cliff and told you that you’ll land safely because there’s a net you can’t see yet, would you blindly trust your s.o. and jump?
I'm hoping that is a metaphorical question and not literal. Even though I have a firm grasp of comedy being the opposite of gravity, gravity does always win. Can I drop my challenging S.O. first and listen for the bounce?
4. How do you support your significant other?
I listen. Especially when she cums. She makes so many delicious sounds.
5. What types of things or gestures/acts make you feel loved?
When physical touch is initiated. No need to listen the tripe I talk about.
6. What types of things or gestures/acts make you feel respected?
A nice slow full frontal kneel down loving blowjob with lots of slurping, gurgling, and gagging for me to listen to. I really respect that.
7. Can you have emotional intimacy without physical intimacy? Explain.
Why yes I can. But physical proximity is a necessary ingredient, because listening is always enhanced by eye contact. Blowjobs are too.
Bonus:  In 2016, what was your most conflicted emotional moment?
Riding public transportation at 1 am New Years Day after spending New Years Eve with a very sick S.O. Listening to the sounds of drunken revelers as well as the sound of my heart breaking over the clack and hum of a subway car was sobering
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblogfrom your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Burping the Antichrist - 3. Should You Care

Is today the day Wheezie Sleezie comes to town? Always #nsfw #SmutWithaSmirk #artisanalsmut

Sure that was probable not the question you first asked yourself when you awoke. So I did it for you.

Should you care?

Friday, November 20, 2015

I'm Doomed - 6. Pay Up

Once upon a time the Narco Pharma Medical Industrial Complex would try to create a sense of urgency because they knew could badger you to pay when the Insurance Protection Racket Industry demurred about payment.

Now it is more a case of ..... whenever.

Meanwhile, now that the Insurance Protection Racket Industry actually has to pay for healthcare procedures rather then hoard the cash profits and invest them in black market oil deals with nefarious organizations generating more share holder profits; their collective whining is enough to wake the dead from past preexisting condition canards.

How do they do it.


Step right up.

To top it off while being sliced and diced marginal source of revenue goes poof like the vapors released from incision.

Oh My.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

I'm Doomed - 4. Cascade

As all ecosystems cascade and collapse into decay, so does a body's. Tomorrow an attempt to buttress and contain one such system shall be attempted through the Pharma Narco Medical Industrial Complex upon my person.

I salute all who have endured previous medical transactions like mine and those who follow on tables to come.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Petey's Stoopid Thought For The Day

Life is a vacation from being dead.

I shall take that thought and now merrily run through my vacation time with more glee than ever.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


It was  Friday afternoon and I had a great sense of relief. I saw them all walking to the South Shore station and I knew what lay ahead of them. Herds of them filing into the underground . Lines and lines of them, heading out of their weekly veneer of civilization. Running away from the concrete, fine restaurants, theater, opera. All the finer things in life. Weekends they throw off these trappings and strip down to their basic, primordial selves. Oh how I shudder when I think of what goes on out there at any given moment. Why did I take that journey. What primitive and vile urge brought me to the very edge of my humanity. One thing I know. In Indiana...No one can hear you scream

I am a wiser man and have used as well as been used now. It is unfortunate that often it is unrealized at the time by all parties. But upon reflection ,after having pulled myself out of the wilderness, and looking back on the events there is no longer a need for forgiveness. What was done was done . Whether out of necessity of survival, or just basic animal instinct. Perhaps both the same. Is it the actions or the motivations that really matter? Or is it in fact only the results that count. Perhaps that is the true measure of my journey into Indiana.

What was it that brought people down that South Shore line, many on a daily basis. Others beginning on a day to day trek ,only to eventually be swallowed up, churned inside the guts of mills, industry, and eventually corn. None but the brave or foolish returned there to toil. The lure of cheap cigarettes, cheap property, low gas prices would seem to be the immediate and easy answer. There where also whispers of white trash trailer park women who could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch, but most thought that was just rumor to draw the young males back to the corn fields. Whatever the draw, the land was ripe to be plundered as a century before the robber barons located their mills. They sang there song of the south drawing hundreds of thousands from Kentucky and Tennessee to labor in the newly industrialized lake front. In many ways the new migration out of the big city was much more insidious. To the point: what was it that drew me. But I have yet to mention

The Planet

About Me

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Purveyor of paralogical compliance to verbally mediated reality, artisanal smut, with a pinch of full time flâneur tossed in to taste.