Showing posts with label curves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label curves. Show all posts

Saturday, November 10, 2018

World Cup

It is never a good idea to go into a pub at 10 am on a Sunday morning. Especially when you are allegedly old enough to know better. But I had watched a few soccer matches leading up to the final and had found a nice Public House that catered to soccer fans that was open that early on a Sunday. In I went to Kill a few Kennys with a couple of friends. There were a few overconfident Eastern European types in the pub as well and after a bit a few friendly wagers were made. The rest of the daytime hours are history. A big lunch after the match and pockets full of gambling largess I was released into the wild to fend for myself.

The night time hours were near, but not near enough. Where should I go?

I made my way cross town to Slammies.

It had been a while since I had been there. A mere matter of months this time rather than years for a change. I confess my slightly liquored and age addled brain almost admitted to itself that there was an irrational exuberance and audacity of hope that JoJo would be the barkeep this evening. Not being enough of a frequent flyer patron to know the schedules it was a crap shoot at best. But hey, this had been my day for being on the right side of the crap and besides it was still early. JoJo always did wonders for both my mood and libido, if for no other reason that she exuded exquisite energy on all spectrums.

Well when I arrived the the place was busy with World Cuppers who also had been sporting since the early morning hours so entertainment was to be had in conversation and camaraderie. Not to mention since when does anybody in the US care about soccer. But Rodney was slinging the drinks and truth be told he was much more 
adept with soccer ruffian speak than JoJo would have been.

But with a day of imbibing and visions of JoJo and other ghosts of Slammies gibbering in my head; plus ill gotten gains in my pocket left only one thing to be done.

I went to long forgotten but dark corner of many a man's past and headed further afield out to the airport strip clubs.

Dark. Expensive. Reeking of unrequited male lust after the unattainable dreams and transactional commerce of the most basic and ancient kind. Knowing that I was stimulating the economy and myself in a manner that will only result in a trip down memory lane of what a naked woman of a totally inappropriate age for me looks like, I was on a splurge. The visual enticement would certainly charge my batteries. Polite, but never wanting to waste a dancers time when she could be transacting commerce, left me with plenty of time to enjoy the dancers lithe bodies from afar. Not dark lurking corner afar. More midway between drooling stage side tipping range and creeper corner where the bouncers watch for the first whiff of trouble.

The dancers are delightful. All ages and body types. Lovely to the last jiggle. I am mesmerized at the bounty displayed. Some eliciting illicit memories. Others merely long held fantasies. Much to the dismay of the women's bottom line I am too frugal to invest too much of my liquid capital on things other than my liquid hobbies.

That is when it happened. The stage went dark. The MC announce the next performers name. I don't even recall what it was. Your stock in trade strippers name. It was clever. It was enticing. It was not to common. Not to abstruse. It was just…...JoJo!

Okay. I admit I thought about skulking out. For her ? For me? Considering the number of faces she has to see across the weathered bar of Slammies was I kidding myself that she would even recognize me? With the stage lights could she even see beyond the leering laddies stage side with their mitts full of lucre?

I stayed. I confess. The thought of seeing JoJo naked, strutting, and shimmering won the fantasy soccer day prize. Yes I’m that guy. My unreasonable expectations were taking a step that my wildest hopes would have dismissed just moments before. Naked strange women was one thing. My favorite bartender whose imagined visage has roiled my monkey brain for months was a horse of a different color.

I was transfixed as her goth girl inspired clothing became a melting pathway to paradise.

Then our eyes met.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

TMI Tuesday: August 14, 2018

TMI Tuesday: August 14, 2018

It’s time for another fascinating TMI Tuesday.
1. ​You can only keep 3 things: (pick and explain your choices)

These are the only two things you can keep. One useful. One not. The other items on this list are all consumables and will be used up over time.  
Wine or Beer


So I can finish watching "The Almighty Johnsons"

2. If your job gave you a surprise 3-day paid break, what would you do with those three days?
Fritter them away drinking and whoring 
3. Have you ever had a threesome? What was the configuration?
Treble. Simply treble. Configuration was complicated as any time a crowd is involved.
4. In a threesome, do you like to be the star attraction or a bit player/personal  assistant?
That is the thing about the treble clef. You have to be prepared for the sharps and the flats
5. Would you have another  threesome?
Highly unlikely.
Bonus:  Rate your last  threesome on a scale of 1-5, 5 being fantastic.
Treble. Simply treble. Seemed like a good idea at the time but the ripple cast over the upside down lake of the void always goes to where the mirror meets the sky.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Highly Unlikely

JoJo was the unlikely, as well as the very likely tail end of Tails from Slammies. First impressions are quite often highly skewed and incorrect except for when they are not. For the type of woman you would never peg for a geezer groupie, baby girl resplendent in daddy issues, or grandmother; this tight bodied, tatted up, ageless energetic goofball beauty was a force of nature.

Through the long unfolding of Tails of Slammies, spanning the three sisters of legend: Cathy, Janine, and Peggy, through the incidental drive-by Sindy, JoJo was apropos punctuation.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

TMI Tuesday blog: February 27, 2017

TMI Tuesday blog: February 27, 2017

Welcome to another edition of TMI TuesdayCome on and play!

1. Which one of the following do you need increased privacy:
a. Online interaction such as internet search and website interaction
b. Sex
c. Drinking or taking drugs (including marijuana use)

d. Work
Because I have been carrying this same two by four back and forth for the past ten years and if I did not have privacy someone might figure that out.
2. What decade in life were you most happiest with your sex life? Why? For example: teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, etc.

I would have to split that into late twenties and early thirties. I was clicking on all cylinders in ways better than I ever though possible for lil' ol me. Everything was going my way. I would say the decade before that was a build up. The decade after that was a let down. But I have been riding that karma wave ever since.
3. What is the sexiest TV show you have watched in the last year? Why is it sexy to you?

Since memory for me seems to be a thing of the past I will go with what is fresh in my libido and that is the dark retelling of the Wizard of Oz titled "Emerald City". All because of West played by Ana UlaruShe is some kind of wonderful, and all the sexy magic I can handle right now.

4. What sex scene, from a movie, would you like to recreate?

Spending a weekend doing a reenactment of "Last Tango in Paris" et al.  Now go get the butter.
5. Your sex life is to become a reality series. Which of the following titles best fits:
a. “Too Big To Fail”

b. “Years of Solitude”
But when that damn bursts it gets all over everything and everybody. I would prefer the title:  "Boom and Bust - Rinse and Re- Pete A Trilogy "

c. “A Visual Guide for the Perplexed”
d. “Yes please, Any Time and Anywhere”
Bonus: The Late Phoenix would like to know your family’s secret recipes because he is hungry and thirsty all the time. Please share.

The only family recipe I have is for Disaster so I will do you a solid and spare you that step by step descent in to hell. Besides which I think most people have their very own secret family recipe for that morsel.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!

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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

TMI Tuesday: November 29, 2016

TMI Tuesday: November 29, 2016

TMI TuesdayHere we go!

love emotion trust

1. What would you do to leave a great impression with a person on your first date?
Listen and then respond in a rational manner. Speak when apropos and then listen some more.
2. Do you usually follow your heart or your head?
I am a googly eyed romantic from way back. So what do you think? Listening now.
3. If your significant other told you to jump off a tall cliff and told you that you’ll land safely because there’s a net you can’t see yet, would you blindly trust your s.o. and jump?
I'm hoping that is a metaphorical question and not literal. Even though I have a firm grasp of comedy being the opposite of gravity, gravity does always win. Can I drop my challenging S.O. first and listen for the bounce?
4. How do you support your significant other?
I listen. Especially when she cums. She makes so many delicious sounds.
5. What types of things or gestures/acts make you feel loved?
When physical touch is initiated. No need to listen the tripe I talk about.
6. What types of things or gestures/acts make you feel respected?
A nice slow full frontal kneel down loving blowjob with lots of slurping, gurgling, and gagging for me to listen to. I really respect that.
7. Can you have emotional intimacy without physical intimacy? Explain.
Why yes I can. But physical proximity is a necessary ingredient, because listening is always enhanced by eye contact. Blowjobs are too.
Bonus:  In 2016, what was your most conflicted emotional moment?
Riding public transportation at 1 am New Years Day after spending New Years Eve with a very sick S.O. Listening to the sounds of drunken revelers as well as the sound of my heart breaking over the clack and hum of a subway car was sobering
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblogfrom your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Bonneville Redux.

When I got back to my car both Joy and Reno radiated petulance, but since it was my car and I was doing them a favor I just ignored it. Reno’s house was closest and since they were obviously done neither of them complained about me dropping Reno off first.

When Reno exited I could not help but notice Joy’s very obvious display of indifference to his departure.

It had been a busy night indeed and when Joy climbed over the seat and parked her very pleasing derriere in the front seat I had a feeling it might get busier. Joy was in very tight jeans and the sight of her snug round behind was enticing considering the considerable teasing Bwanna had  given my somewhat awakened and unrequited ardor of the eve.

Joy was at my side now and like a bolt of lightning it struck me. Little did I realize that this lightening would be striking me over and over again for the rest of my life. In between paying close attention to the traffic more and more my eyes drifted to Joy in silhouette at my side. Her long frizzy Janis Joplin hair and large round glasses to match. Soft pleasing features with soft round cheeks, which were often flushed and rosy. I thought how attentive she was to me during rehearsals, in between her crew duties, and scene changes while I was backstage awaiting my cue. It finally made it’s way through my thick skull that she had been spending that time with me and not Reno. Could it be?

We came to a stop light and I looked over at her. In the half dusk of car interior and street lights combo my eyes were drawn from her sweet face down to the parted white blouse and cleavage formed by two immense perfect breasts. Certainly the largest breasts that any woman has sported in that passenger seat while I was driving. Thoughts of Rene’s spare, though quite delectable boob allotment went through my mind. Satisfying, but always left me longing for more substance to maneuver and fondle through our lovemaking. I knew it was just the longing to experience other fruits that made me wonder what abundance well beyond a handful or a mouthful would offer. I had limited experience in various depths and durations with other larger and differing tits. Some pleasing. Some not so much depending on outcomes, situations, temperaments, and availability. But clearly at this point in my life, if my perceptions of Joy’s pheromonal, hormonal, and behavioral signals was correct: a backseat, or front seat encounter with Joys bounty did not seem out of the question. It  would be an extraordinary first for me. But I did not want to make assumptions. Not now. Not ever. Nor did I want to miss out on an experience that could lead to the beginning of something, possibly the end of something else, or if nothing else memories of moments that would warm me in many long cold winters that, if I was lucky, were to come.

I know I was highly charged from my staircase tango with Bwanna, but it was hard to tell if I would be the closing act for the Reno show tonight. As if reading my mind Joy filled in one blank for me.

“Reno is such a jerk!”

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

TMI Tuesday: August 23, 2016

TMI Tuesday: August 23, 2016

It’s TMI Tuesday. Express yourself.
love quote tmi
1. Do you want a divorce or to leave your present romantic relationship?

No. Like all romantic relationships it is a mix of joy, fear, lust, patience, preparing, consuming, consummating, cleaning, worrying, listening, watching, going, and cumming. A divorce would eliminate both the good and the bad in all those shared pursuits.

2. Do you think your relationship needs couples therapy?

We haven't hit any snags that we could not solve with our fingers lips and pleasant frictions and intimacies. I have found her very therapeutic and we are a couple so we are getting plenty of therapy on a more regular basis than I have had for a while. Therapy Schmerapy. That being said if my dear one suggested it I would go quick like a bunny. 

3. If your relationship needs fine-tuning, what would you do to tweak it?

Timing is everything. So if she could allow her orgasms to build longer and if I could cum sooner we might be more synchronous. She comes so fast and furious and often, most times when I am ready to unpack the goods, that it delays me even longer.  So we fuck on and on much to the neighbor's annoyance. 

Now I forget. Why do I want to tweak this. 

Never mind.

4. Is your relationship over or are you just in a bad phase? How long has the bad phase lasted so far?

It is never a bad phase when I am with her. We have our problems, mostly the kind we create for ourselves and inflict on each other, but the universe is a phase shifter so if we don't like this phase just check back in an hour. 

Something will happen. Something different.

5. What kind of relationship do you envision will make you happy?

Why the perfect one of course. Blow jobs on demand and my house in a constant state of order and cleanliness. Batting 500 is good in Major League Relationships, so I am as happy as a pig in fecal material.

6. Are you seeing someone new?

Yes I am. Even though we have been lovers for two years every time we embrace it is new. I have known this sweet person almost all my life. When I hold her it is like holding the college student, the young woman, the married lady, the determined divorcee, the professional insurance professional, the wild punk rock party girl, the horny vixen, the animal lover, and the most generous woman I know all rolled into my arms as the beautiful blond package I adore. Every now with her is new and every now is special.
Bonus: What major regret do you have so far in your life? Is it too late to change it?

I would have opened my eyes and really noticed what was going on all around me every second sooner.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblogfrom your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!

About Me

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Purveyor of paralogical compliance to verbally mediated reality, artisanal smut, with a pinch of full time flâneur tossed in to taste.