Showing posts with label exploitation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exploitation. Show all posts

Friday, June 8, 2018

Vegan Adventures

One minute I'm having a cold brew at Slammies.

Next thing I know I am in JoJo the bartenders bed.

She is stuffing the business end of a Cauliflower floret with an asparagus spear chaser up my rear.

I didn't know she was a vegan.

Just another early 21st century night.

Saturday, June 2, 2018


Whenever I feel others are not living up to my expectations,

I immediately review my expectations to see if they are still applicable.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Vivid Dreams

So I was prescribed Montelukast which has a reported side effect of vivid dreams. 

Lately I dreamt I was getting blow jobs from all the female cast members of SNL and last night that I was driving a NASCAR through a combo platter of animal research lab and football locker room. My job was to lock up when I was done and I was running late. Talk about pressure. 

Thanks Doc. 

Can't wait to sleep tonight. I wonder where I will go?

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Tempest Slacker

Tempest Slacker was sleek. Her genes had clearly spent centuries traversing the four corners of the globe. Never mind the fact that a globe has no corners, her DNA had clearly kept all the best parts of her ancestors global meandering. While the eye of this beholder makes that highly judgmental and subjective observation the laws of symmetry always hold sway to visually processed stimuli. Or so I have heard. Perfection oozed from her pores. Shiny black hair that had never known the cruel blades of a shear made high heels a necessary accessory to keep her perfectly split free silky ends from sweeping the ground when the swishing sashay of her fully follicle obscured behind was in transit.

I alone among men knew the treasure that swayed behind that opaque curtain of hair, and was insanely jealous when ever she tossed her head to tease a peak to strangers left agog in her wake. But I digress. Or at least momentarily regress to my more base instincts until I again transcend myself to maintain my coveted title of human being.

But on this day and in this time it is a trifle trying. Tomorrow will be more so. For tomorrow is the day of days. The day when Tempest and I enter The Teapot Dome and tangle with the Gene Rippers one on one.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

TMI Tuesday: September 13, 2016

TMI Tuesday: September 13, 2016

Let’s get this TMI Tuesday started! This week fill-in-the-blanks is borrowed fromFriday Fill-ins.

1. I must live before I die.
2. You can’t stop before you start.
3. I wish I never had to buy another you again.
4. Breathing properly has helped me change my life.
5. I know the song "Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out" by heart.
6. If I weren’t so afraid, I would never say never again.
Bonus:  My weekend was tiring, tonight I’m looking forward to dreaming up another chapter, tomorrow my plans include another fucking chapter, and next weekend, I want to reenact all this weeks fucking chapters all over your beautiful tits again!
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblogfrom your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Friday, September 11, 2015

Notes - Pass Around Joy

The ride home with the Nanny was indeed frosty. Not only since I had driven there with the windows rolled down to air out the spacious double couch design of the Bonneville hoping that the scent of other women and male splooge would be whisked away on the wind. Now with the heater on the atmosphere within was still frosty.

“So that guy must be used to giving their Nannie’s a ride home.” I said sheepishly.

“No. I am their first nanny.” she said coldly, adding “They had an Au Pair before me.”

“An oh pair of what?” I asked trying to weasel my way through with humor.

Au Pair. A. U.  P. A. I. R. silly.” The Nanny giggled after a brief attempt not to be thawed. “Some foreign chick that lived in and cared for the kids.” she concluded.

“Cozy.” Was all that I could say as I imagined a foreign floozy in the family home.

“Maybe too cozy.” The Nanny added cryptically.

Not cryptically enough as the tableau of the wife looking anxiously after the hubby and the Nanny out the window as they headed for his car when I arrived. The plot was thickening.

I glanced over and noticed just how hot she looked in her Nanny uniform. Especially since I knew what this rather prim and proper garb obscured. I am sure her middle aged male client had noticed the same. I knew her female client knew.

No generation gap there.

As the Bonneville cut through the frosty night the Nanny curled up next to me in he front seat and place her head on my shoulder just where Beverly had cuddled an hour earlier. Only the Nanny had shorter, lighter, and certainly better maintained coiffer than the Bev.

“I know it’s late, but can we go to your place for a bit.” She cooed” Maybe moke -a joint.” she said in mock baby talk stoner jargon we had adopted.

“I can do better than that.,” as I pulled one out of my pocket and pushed the car cigarette lighter in. As the smoke wafted through the cabin I knew my scent and betrayal trail had been covered.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Petey's Stoopid Thought for the Day

When I find myself looking at a young woman it is not because I have any expectation of bedding her. Often it is because they remind me of bedded or bedded wish list items from years gone by.

Same holds true for checking out women my own age. Except; though still highly unlikely, hope springs almost as eternal as other parts of my nether regions.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Petey's Stoopid Thought for the Day

So my in box shows yet another pitch e-mail from the web site Classmates with the headline. “Pete, How do you remember Pam?”
Immediately I thought , “Sweating and moaning with every thrust of my hips.” Ahhh Sweet Sweet Pammie.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Petey's Stoopid Thought for the Day

  A woman I know posted a status on Facebook about married men sniffing around her “hooch”. Not being married and having had a passing interest in that “hooch” over the years I have known her  I almost felt it would be acceptable to inquire just how that “hooch” is these days.

Should I or shouldn't I?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Processed Meat Linked to Early Death - The Daily Beast

Processed Meat Linked to Early Death - The Daily Beast:

Many things are just the luck of the draw. Genes, wealth, right place right time, and wrong place wrong time.  But who could make money telling you how to live and what you are doing wrong if we all subscribed to that. At best we can just improve our odds if we are lucky enough to follow the right advice for us at the right time for us. Still a crap shoot though.

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Monday, January 21, 2013

All Aboard

Leigh Steinberg: A Sucker Is Born:

First this guy was fodder for the college football cash machine and now the news media is giving him a ride on their gravy train. .Who will try to make money off of him next

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About Me

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Purveyor of paralogical compliance to verbally mediated reality, artisanal smut, with a pinch of full time flâneur tossed in to taste.