Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

TMI Tuesday: July 26, 2016

TMI Tuesday: July 26, 2016

What’s new? Another TMI Tuesday, that’s what!

Say What?

1. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
Send my kids to go off and live with their mother after she remarried and could offer them a better life. PS. That did not work out.

2. What did you do growing up that got you into trouble?
Became a googly eyed romantic

3. When was the last time you had an amazing meal? What was it? Why was it amazing for you?
A lovely woman I know made pulled pork taco's from scratch. We worked together and that made it so much better.

4. What’s the best/worst gift you've ever given/received?
The affection's of  a woman. 
5. What do you miss most about being a kid?
Having someone who paid for everything that they could possibly afford for me. It wasn't everything but they did the best they could.
Bonus: What is something you learned in the last week?
That people you love will make mistakes. Forgive. 
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblogfrom your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!

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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Burping The Antichrist - 1. Undoomed

If a doctor makes a recommendation in the forest and only I am there, has that recommendation been made?

So call me a skeptic, but after a lifetime of avoiding and not feeling a need for fixing what is working, the only things that were broken were the things I went in to have remedied. That has been done and have no correlation to any other remedy offered. Of course the outrage of not being on a plethora of preventive salves, solvents, and high dollar potions caused a ripple in the research which could only be remedied by a barrage of high cost, low effect pharma.

But who can afford that shit. Nothing market place when the market place will not  bear such prices. A billion burgers would not have been served if their price was $35.95 since 1962. The scourge of Golden Arches across the globe would have been suffocated in it's baby birthing bun.

As I slowly ween myself off Big Pharma's preventative crack I realized once more that everything is OK until it isn't.

Meanwhile I shall chalk it up to very expensive pee that has passed under the bridge.

I and the world around me shall be the better for it.

Now back to the long awaited transacting of commerce.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Processed Meat Linked to Early Death - The Daily Beast

Processed Meat Linked to Early Death - The Daily Beast:

Many things are just the luck of the draw. Genes, wealth, right place right time, and wrong place wrong time.  But who could make money telling you how to live and what you are doing wrong if we all subscribed to that. At best we can just improve our odds if we are lucky enough to follow the right advice for us at the right time for us. Still a crap shoot though.

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Monday, January 21, 2013

All Aboard

Leigh Steinberg: A Sucker Is Born:

First this guy was fodder for the college football cash machine and now the news media is giving him a ride on their gravy train. .Who will try to make money off of him next

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Obama Trade Document Leaked, Revealing New Corporate Powers And Broken Campaign Promises

Obama Trade Document Leaked, Revealing New Corporate Powers And Broken Campaign Promises:

Since the last century suborning sovereignty has helped diminish all out military conflict. Just one more example of goose sauce being gander sauce or some other such Myth the Rominee nonsense. We are all global geese and ganders now. We are given the choice to vote for one side or the other of the same coin. This is how consumer greed is good, me first attitude is working for us all.

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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Let Them Eat Cake

Inside the Fed in 2006: A Coming Crisis, and Banter - Yahoo! Finance:

Just another example in the history of the world where some rich folks were yucking it up because they had their stuff already and could care less about other peoples shit.
They still don't.

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

You buy 30 tons of debris and what do you get

Another year older and deeper in debt.

Occupy L.A.: 30 tons of debris left behind at City Hall tent city -

So. The "job creators" make their money buy selling this crap to people in the first place. Then the landed gentry send in their hired guns to break the place. Now the tax payers have to pay to have the broken things picked up. Privatized profit, communal cost. I see.
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Thrusting into the previously unrevealed.

What was really becoming unknown to us was each other. What I felt was a turning point towards each other, the Planet viewed as the beginning of the spinning away. What I saw as my new found freedom of diminished pain, the Planet saw as the emergence of an new illness.

It was 1997 and the beginning of the economic times that the Federal reserve Chairman would describe as irrational exuberance. For me it truly was. Irrational with a capital I. But I could walk some distances now. Something I had done with glee for hours on end as a young man was now returned to me. Something that had become a looming dread with every other step for the last 17 years. Perhaps the pain had giving me a singular focus on my career. Now I saw the possibilities of living a life. I thought the Planet was included. Perhaps the Planet thought different. But the Planet stood mute, and only told me what she thought I wanted to hear. Seven years of marriage had not cracked the Planets conflict avoidance crust. I know not if the Planet had heard conflict avoidance until the end of or orbital time. Nor was I one to dive to the Planet to test the existence of gravity either. We all have our reasons. If the Planet would have shared more would things be different. If I had shared differently would things have changed. Things are never different. They just are. Until they are not.

So I spent the next year walking, quitting smoking, and thinking. The increased flow of oxygen to my brain was staggering. What had my life been up to that point? Why had I been blessed with so many things? I had attained more than I had ever dreamed. I was grateful. Yet something was lacking.

The singular pursuit of shilling for corporate America seemed less important. I was back to plunging into the bright lights of the big city by day. A big city I had been unable to enjoy was again open to me on foot. I was free to walk, explore, take long solo lunches outside. But those do not aide commerce, nor keep or increase billing numbers. Math is everything in the score keeping of the invisible hand. The self help mantra's the Planet oft repeated would ring in my ears.

What would you want to look back on and say you wished you had done more of when ringing the reapers doorbell? Would it be put more hours in at work? Editing of more feminine hygiene, beer, fast food, pharmaceutical television spots. Each night as I plunged down the South Shore into the depths of Indiana The Planet was apparently plunging into depths of her own.

Judith Janet Planet was not happy when I was there. Judith Janet Planet was not happy when I was not there. Judith Janet Planet was not happy. An unhappy Planet is never never a healthy Planet to inhabit. As entering the Planet became more infrequent, our orbits fell into decay. The Planet never denied entry, but it was clear the Planet was not seeking to be entered. At least not by me. Is timing everything? If I was staying up late, the Planet would retire early. If I retired early, the Planet might stay up all night. On those mornings when we woke together, rare since my Journey to the city called for early rising. The Planet did not rise early or easily ever. Only when the satellites rose did the Planet rise, and even then not necessarily so. The satellites, I had noticed in my stump health hiatus, had their morning down to an unusual and sometimes distressing self sufficiency for ones of seven and five. With a stay at home mother, perhaps too much so.

So it was in these climates of a seven year marriage, children of seven years and five years, career in it's seventeenth, when my alter ego Old Hatched Head appeared. Thick at the back, with a razor sharp leading edge, began to cleave into my new feeling of empowerment, health, and self confidence. The Head began to come to the fore. Slicing into my life; interpersonal, business, and spiritual relationships with the intention of making things better. Eek.

Can a hatchet ever make anything better?

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Purveyor of paralogical compliance to verbally mediated reality, artisanal smut, with a pinch of full time flâneur tossed in to taste.