Showing posts with label chores. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chores. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

TMI Tuesday: Oct 25, 2016

Get real. Spill. It’s TMI Tuesday!

How’s it going–you know,
your relationship?

1. How did you realize an important relationship (romantic, friendship, business) was over?
When I came home and found all her stuff was gone.
 What was the pivotal moment or statement?
Since I am generally clueless and live in the credo of, everything is okay until it isn't, I can state with the utmost certainty that I do not recall any one statement or any one moment. Just the long painful misdirection of intentions and attentions.
2. Relationship strategy–do you have one? Share.
It ranges from constant worry, adoration, and sorrow; to out of sight, out of mind. Circumstances and characters vary. 
Disclaimer ... Past performance may not be indicative of future results
3. Name two things you appreciate about your current relationship. Why are these things significant? (If not currently in a relationship, feel free to refer to your best relationship)
Her openness and willingness to talk about sex and desires and the resultant richer and more satisfying sex life we enjoy together.
4. In your relationship, do you compromise:

a. a little
I always remember that no good deed goes unpunished and the giver rarely feels the good deed is appreciated to it's fullest value by the recipient.

b. never – I usually get my way
c. too much, it helps keep the peace
5. If you went to couple’s therapy, which of these are you most likely to have a need to discuss:
a. My significant other feels more like a roommate.
b. Sex is uncomfortable.
c. My partner doesn’t know what I like in bed.
d. “Forget sex! We barely touch.”
e. We both have so much baggage that we need help unpacking it.  I'll start at the beginning Doc. I was born of a cold wind blown winters eve and she was born on a sweltering August night in blood and fury......
Bonus: Below is a list of extreme sports. You must pick one sport to try. Why would you do that sport?

1. skydiving
I would enjoy the feeling of free falling to the earth in search of my Aristotelian proper place and feel the exhilaration of redemption when my chute opens.

2. volcano diving
3. zip-lining through a jungle
4. bungee jumping
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblogfrom your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Petey's Stoopid Thought For The Day

Life is a vacation from being dead.

I shall take that thought and now merrily run through my vacation time with more glee than ever.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Balloon Juice » Our Productivity Problem: US Workers Won’t Be Treated Like Zoo Animals

Balloon Juice » Our Productivity Problem: US Workers Won’t Be Treated Like Zoo Animals:

As Henry Ford knew, you still need people who can buy the stuff you are making. Without consumers their is no need to build stuff no matter how inexpensively you make it, and you can only pay people so much in a society to sell and customer service each other when none of them produce anything.

We really need to re-eVALUEate. There I typed in with the full knowledge that life is to short to sweat the spelling.

Knowing what will happen when those millions of Chinese workers are replaced by machines know the shit storm that follows has no app to solve that.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Planet Is.

The planet is:

many stories
always changing
always tired
losing things
forgetting things
buying things
gone on Saturdays
joining groups
taking on more outside responsibilities
leaving more things undone
setting goals
wanting her way
not caring
searching for peace
feeling unappreciated
repeating things
finishing sentences
trying to belong
never satisfied
expecting different results
hiding things
not speaking
warm chattering
going to therapy
spinning out of control
spinning into inaction
residing resplendent in squalor
not knowing where to start

What is the planet doing?

If I thought I knew I know I was wrong.

Which of course begs the question. What the hell was I doing. Which is probably the only question any of us can answer with any authority at all. The truly sad thing is that I would probably get the answer wrong. Sadder still is most of us would.

But I can tell you what I thought I was doing even if it was no where near good enough for the Planet.

earning a living
helping with the satellites
keeping the household books
doing the laundry
doing yard work
paying the bills
trying to make income faster than the planets outflow
thanking genuinely for ever kindness showed
being grateful
being a loving husband
being a responsible father

Gosh, I am so special. At least these were the things I thought I was doing. Was I succeeding. The answer to that becomes apparent as the journey on the South Shore Line continues. All answers become self evident upon closer examination. The real trick is to stop looking with our heads and start to see with our hearts. Now that the panic attacks have ceased it is much easier to do.

Caring for the Planet was indeed a full time job. Where as I come from a long line of stoics, there never seemed a time when the Planet wasn't tired, in pain , just plain tuckered out. I tried to understand incapacitating maladies that have nightly occurrences, but the stoic in me is ever skeptical. Being a couple that had dutifully read "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" while in marriage counselling, I tried very hard to go against my nature and try not to fix things. So what's the natural response. I guess I chose to listen when verbalization of issues out of my control were offered and then do nothing. Maybe that wasn't the right response.


About Me

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Purveyor of paralogical compliance to verbally mediated reality, artisanal smut, with a pinch of full time flâneur tossed in to taste.