Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Slip N' Slide

I adore the mornings when you utilize the underside of my stiffening resolve as your own personal slip and slide. When ready you run yourself up that flag pole and I salute you with caresses until you descend upon my glazed hairy matted cradle.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

TMI Tuesday: July 31, 2018

It’s the end of the month, don’t let it get away without playing TMI Tuesday!

Tell it to us straight or sexy

1. One thing that you will never do again?

That would be a very long list because it is never that one thing, but always the one thing leads to another kind of thingamajiggy sequencing I regret.
2. Who knows you the best?

The Bunny Knows
3. Do you think a relationship should be 50/50 all the time?

Nope. 50/50 sounds like terminally half in and half out. I think you need to plunge right in and then pull out to dance around the edges for a bit before taking that sweet deep plunge again.
4. When was your most recent act of kindness? Was it appreciated?

Just one hour ago when I listened attentively to the same story for at least the tenth time while sincerely empathizing. As for appreciation I have found that the giver rarely feels the givee appreciates the gift enough.
5. Are you a good friend? Why or why not?

I am a terrible friend. Out of sight out of mind kind of feller. The only reason I have any friends at all is because when I am there I am there and come running when needed.
6. What is something that you tried really hard to like but just couldn’t?

Bonus: How was your month of July? Did you do anything fun, interesting, new?

I had me a real good time and would certainly enjoy another one if all goes well.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

TMI Tuesday: June 19, 2018

Hi there! Let’s play TMI Tuesday.

Take a Look at Me Now.

1. What was your biggest worry five years ago, do you still have that same worry or feel the same about it at this minute?
5 years ago: I was worried I would never feel her slender fingers lift the back of my scrotum as she knelt before me and enveloped me in her ever intriguing mouth.
Now: I worry I will never again feel her slender fingers lift the back of my scrotum as she kneels before me and envelops me in her ever intriguing mouth.

2. Do you have a positive or negative body image? What factors contribute to your self body image?
a. advertisements
b. media and social media
c. comments from others
d. introspection and analysis of self
e. all of the above.
They all give me both the negative and positive body image I have of myself. Since I am a body and not just leasing one; I soak it all in. But I believe the vast majority of the input I receive from all of the above sources; is those sources trying to sell me something.    
3. How confident are you as a person?
a. no confidence at all
On the confidence scale as devised by Sir Sidney Fudd I scored ambivalent.
b. confident around friends and family
c. confident at work, and in my job
d. very confident in my surroundings–work, social settings, with strangers
4. How creative a person are you? Why?
a. not creative
b. average creativity
c. creative in some situations
I am all about  the moment and the present situation.  Aren't we all now.
 d. very creative
5. Do you resent things being uncertain and unpredictable? Why?
a. agree
b. undecided or Don’t Know
c. disagree
I never resent what is. I never lie, and I am always right. Vote For Me. #NotInsane
Bonus: What do you wish you had invented?
A better me. Of course I am still a WIP.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Unreasonable Expectations

I rolled into Slammies one weekday afternoon for a large draught of unreasonable expectations. There she was on the other side of the bar staring me right in the kisser. The only thing to do was to stick to the irrational exuberance script that has served me so well and soldier on.

A decade of Slammies separation meant the woman behind the bar did not recognize me as the regular I once was. Now was not the time to dissuade her. I ordered a pint. There was a CUBS hat on the bartenders head and Chicago CUBS Baseball was on the shiny new multitude of flat screen TV's that now littered the saloon. A far cry from the ancient flickering cathode ray tube corner mounted box that once served as the sports center of this one time corridor of a bar.

On the plus side I could not drink enough pints of unreasonable expectations to have them overtake me as I watched the energetic bartender reach for libations on the top shelve. Each reach exposing more of her well toned reasonably bared daytime mid-drift. Framed in what to me appeared goth inspired basic black attire. Modest but well fitting and well suited for the bars expanded and updated facade.

Her exposed belly bling sparkled and rewarded my irrationally exuberant countenance with a glint of rational promise. Then she rolled up with two shot glasses and a bottle of Jack and said, " I drank too much yesterday and if you don't do a shot with me now I might die."

Her sincerity and my gentlemanly tendencies coaxed an extra exuberant, "Bottoms up!" from me. That was our cue for the ritual downing of the booze. Even fueled by Jack Daniels the unreasonable expectations jet stream would not drag me along today.

He who drinks, then runs away will live to drink another day. Ball game was over and the end of the work day crowd was shuffling in so I bid the bartender ado, tipped her and my hat and out the door I went.

That was the first, but lucky for me, not the last time I would have a JoJo sighting,

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

TMI Tuesday: February 21, 2017

Wait, wait. Come back. I’m here. It’s a holiday in the U.S. I slept in, got disoriented about what day it was but finally here is this week’s TMI Tuesday.

Fill-in the blank.
1. I am too busy to get anything done other than reading all the lacivious thoughts and deeds, imagined or otherwise, that all you lovely people share in naughty bloggyland.
2. Last week I did not do TMI Tuesday because
I was busy trying out some of the things all you lovely people wrote about in naughty bloggyland.
3. Last week’s TMI Tuesday’s responses were penetrating and thrust deep into the hot wet depths of the psyche  many of you display out there in naughty bloggyland.
4. Some posts shared in naughty bloggyland are quite luscious, lascivious and salacious but that depends on dreams.
5. Virgin sex is a one off, but a memorable one off indeed as told in some naughty bloggyland posts.
BonusThe more you learn, the more you know, the more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn?
Your thoughts? Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
I dispute that anything is ever really forgotten. It's just misfiled. But it gives me great satisfaction to know that the percentage of knowledge I have forgotten can be more valuable than reams of knowledge attained and sitting unused in an attic. Besides which I live with the knowledge that I know what I know until I know something different.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

TMI Tuesday – February 14, 2017

A Good Snoggin for all

Hey! Very busy Monday here. These questions were actually done this morning but I had no time to post. Enjoy…let’s do this TMI Tuesday!

Choices, Bonds & Significant Others

1. Are you “in love” with your significant other or are you simply compatible.
Scientist claim that being “in love” only last within the first six months of a relationship.
Being a googly eyed romantic I am always in love with my significant other. Otherwise they would not be as significant. But my current S.O. is extra special because of her beauty, grace, sensitivity, and she is one randy foul mouthed wench at precisely the perfect times. The perfect kindergarten teacher, hooker combo. Compatibility is an ongoing process but who has time for that with all this snoggin going on for the past three years.
2. Do you solve problems with your significant other (s.o.) or are you the real and only problem solver.
A relationship has a stronger bond when both people in the relationship work toward resolving issues whether it be with kids, finances, management of home, etc.
Since we are both problem creators who has time for solving with all this snoggin going on. 
3. If you live with your s.o. do you both do chores and have equal amount of chores in the household?
Research shows resentment mounts in couples who have an imbalance in household chore duties.
Do not live with my S.O. and when we are together  who has time for chores after lots and lots o snoggin. Plenty of time for laundry when we are not snoggin. Keep in mind there are chores and there are chores and her insatiable desire for me to skull snog her keeps me from worrying about a dirty dish or two until she has gone home.
4. Is your relationship meaningful to you for companionship or is it personally fulfilling?
Marriage in the U.S.A. has changed over time from being for survival (home, food), tocompanionate love during most of the 20th Century, to 1960s to present being about personal fulfillment.
Seeing as I am the pitcher she is always being filled and I feel completely fulfilled. Companionship and quiet moments are shared after we are both all snogged out.
5. In general do people think of you as a “couple” with your s.o. or do they connect with you individually just as much as a connecting with you as a couple. (Do you feel you’ve lost your individuality since being in a serious romantic relationship?)
We both are "the cheese stands alone" types except when couples appearances are in order. We both have led long and separate lives and keep our social entanglements to a minimum. 
Bonus: You are invited to a large cocktail party at a fancy country club where you know no one. When you arrive, the room where the party is being held is already half full of people–naked people. How do you react when you enter the room?
When in Rome.... 
Off course since that has never happened to me my initial reaction is purely speculative. I guess it would depend on what this crowd looked like. Extreme star power or beastie power might change my response. A combo platter would be my preference.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

TMI Tuesday: December 20, 2016

Happy TMI Tuesday. You know what to do. . .

Life and Being

1. Why do you live where you live?

Because I feel at home here.

2. Do you want to have your sins forgiven?

Define sin. However I have always tried to treat others with kindness and not do to them what I would not want done to myself. But I have taken requests.

3. Do you believe in heaven and hell?

It's all what you make of it. But I always remember there is a lie in the middle of every thing that we believe.

4. After life, where do you think you will end up?

Somewhere else. Something will happen. Something different. 

5. If you have children, would they say you are the favorite parent? Why do you think this?

I wish nothing but the best for the base fruits of my burning lust. I did the best I could with the tools I had available. What I think is irrelevant. If they think? I did my job. Favorite is just perceptual score keeping. Often flawed. Rarely reliable. Just like the other half of this equation.

6. Has anything ever happened to you that was dramatic, personal or spectacular enough to cause you to be believe in a God?

Many things. But it may not be the who of whom you are thinking. Oh the stories we tell ourselves.

Bonus: What is something you consider to be a great personal success? Why was it so significant?

Letting go. Clutching extra baggage carries unnecessary and exorbitant fees and tolls.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

TMI Tuesday: December 6, 2016

TMI Tuesday: December 6, 2016

This time of year is full of family and reflection. Let’s carry that on through to TMI Tuesday, shall we?

Family & Reflection

1. What story does your family always tell about you?
While I was driving in heavy traffic in the family mini van ex wife pulled sun visor down in front of my eyes because the sun was in hers. "What. Am I supposed to use the force to drive?" I asked. The peanut gallery in the back thought it was hilarious. The ex didn't.
2. At what age did you become an adult?
Not yet.

3. What is the most embarrassing thing you know about your parents?
I was my fathers fiftieth birthday present from my forty year old mother. Boy were they ever surprised. I think that was the last time they did that.

4. This year, what is the mot important life lesson you’ve learned?
With all the hours spent dumbing down advertising to the lowest possible denominator for the American public, we clearly did not spend enough time.

5. Describe your childhood self in 5 words. Were you happy?
Very silly solitary Commander Cody. I was as happy as any one could be with imaginary rockets strapped on my back and a bullet shaped helmet on my head.

6. Who in your family has been kindest to you?
My sister.
Bonus:  Who are you closest to or trust the most– a friend or family member?

The force. It's always with me.

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About Me

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Purveyor of paralogical compliance to verbally mediated reality, artisanal smut, with a pinch of full time flâneur tossed in to taste.