Showing posts with label invisible hand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label invisible hand. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

TMI Tuesday: July 24, 2018

TMI Tuesday: July 24, 2018

How are you doing? Check yourself by playing this TMI Tuesday.

Free yourself. . .

1. What do you need to learn but won’t admit to?
How to zig when I should be zaging
2. If you could erase one event from your life, which one would you choose? Briefly describe the event, tell us why you would erase it.
The moment a 1961 Checker cab and I tried to simultaneously occupy the same space. I would erase it because it hurt. A lot.
3. Who drains your energy, and why do you let it happen?
JennyFoo. Because she is the sweetest person in the world I know while being the person most hell bent on self destruction I have ever met.
4. Do your practice ‘self-love’ or ‘self-loathing’?
 A pinch of each because there is only so much time in each moment.
5. What must you do daily to keep yourself ‘sane’?
Bonus:  Who do you blame?
Ronald Reagan. 
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!

Saturday, June 2, 2018


Whenever I feel others are not living up to my expectations,

I immediately review my expectations to see if they are still applicable.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Friday, November 20, 2015

I'm Doomed - 6. Pay Up

Once upon a time the Narco Pharma Medical Industrial Complex would try to create a sense of urgency because they knew could badger you to pay when the Insurance Protection Racket Industry demurred about payment.

Now it is more a case of ..... whenever.

Meanwhile, now that the Insurance Protection Racket Industry actually has to pay for healthcare procedures rather then hoard the cash profits and invest them in black market oil deals with nefarious organizations generating more share holder profits; their collective whining is enough to wake the dead from past preexisting condition canards.

How do they do it.


Step right up.

To top it off while being sliced and diced marginal source of revenue goes poof like the vapors released from incision.

Oh My.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

I'm Doomed - 4. Cascade

As all ecosystems cascade and collapse into decay, so does a body's. Tomorrow an attempt to buttress and contain one such system shall be attempted through the Pharma Narco Medical Industrial Complex upon my person.

I salute all who have endured previous medical transactions like mine and those who follow on tables to come.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Life At The Sentient Bean - The Eternal Work In Progress

Where are you Fang Fang Wu?

 She was a driver for Golden Labrador Retrieval Waste and Recycle , and was thumping a dumpster into the hopper, humming Bang a Gong in the key of “O”, when she turned around and saw me smoking a cigarette at the back door of the “Sentient Bean”

She whistled through the gap in her front teeth and exclaimed in the unforgivable voice of hers,

 “Well slap my ass and call me Sally “

  1. Police
  2. Casino
  3. Sally
  4. Bannister
  5. Mediatrix
  6. Braking Ugly
  7. Suite Fang Fang Wu
  8. Night of the Living Drunks
  9. Fish on the Brain
  10. Randy
  11. Gaping Maw

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Monday, January 23, 2012

Balloon Juice » Our Productivity Problem: US Workers Won’t Be Treated Like Zoo Animals

Balloon Juice » Our Productivity Problem: US Workers Won’t Be Treated Like Zoo Animals:

As Henry Ford knew, you still need people who can buy the stuff you are making. Without consumers their is no need to build stuff no matter how inexpensively you make it, and you can only pay people so much in a society to sell and customer service each other when none of them produce anything.

We really need to re-eVALUEate. There I typed in with the full knowledge that life is to short to sweat the spelling.

Knowing what will happen when those millions of Chinese workers are replaced by machines know the shit storm that follows has no app to solve that.

About Me

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Purveyor of paralogical compliance to verbally mediated reality, artisanal smut, with a pinch of full time flâneur tossed in to taste.