Showing posts with label consuming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label consuming. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

TMI Tuesday: November 8, 2016

TMI Tuesday: November 8, 2016

Hi folks!
As the world knows it is crazy-time with elections in the USA, on this TMI Tuesday. Today’s questions were created by Recusen and little ol’ meThere are many types of elections–student council, city government, civic club boards, union leadership, executive boards, Homeowners Associations, and more.
Refer to any type of recent elections as you answer the following questions.
1. I think more favorably about a candidate who has family, such as a spouse and kid(s)

True or False

Other than the fact it proves at least one other person liked the candidate well enough to fuck them and has some relevance showing their willingness to take responsibility for the base fruits of their burning lust.

2. I am more likely to support a candidate who has my same religious beliefs?

True or False

People believe the strangest things. As long as they are tolerant of other people's strange beliefs and do not have the perverse and violent inclination that only they know the truth and others must convert or die; believe on you crazy cosmic muffins.

3. I am skeptical of anyone running for any type of office if they are devoutly religious.
a. I agree
b. I somewhat agree

Define "devout" and how such devotion manifests itself in said cosmic muffin candidate.

c. I disagree
4. If a candidate has a sex scandal, I will not vote for them.
a. True

b. False

Scandal schmandel. But if it was violent and non consensual that would be a scandal of a different colour.

5. If a candidate was involved in a sex scandal more than a decade ago:
a. I don’t care, it will not affect my view of the candidate

But I repeat myself when I am under stress. "Scandal schmandel. But if it was violent and non consensual that would be a scandal of a different colour. "

b. Scandal is scandal, I cannot support that candidate
c. Everyone has sex, sex is not scandalous, I don’t care about a candidate’s sex life
d. For me to be swayed by a candidate’s sex scandal it would have to be something huge, heinous and against humanity
6. I like when candidates call each other names and get into negative verbal sparring.
a. Yes – It’s exciting to know the dirt
b. No – It’s a waste of time, I learn nothing about either candidate

'Nuff said.

7. Do you vote? Why or why not?

Yeppers. Voted a week ago and my mind was made up long before that.

8. When it comes to campaign ads, which kind do you respond to:
a. Negative ads
b. Positive ads

I am well aware of the perniciousness of advertising. I would say I ignore it but our monkey brains absorb all messages and despite our best efforts all messages are given equal weight deep in our limbic system.
Can I get a "No Way!"

9. Has a campaign ever swayed your vote?

Sure. When they outline plans and visions for what could be or should be.

10. Do you pay attention to who placed/paid for the ad?

Indeed. Quote N.W.A. "Life ain't nothin' but bitches and money"

Bonus: Select all that you agree with, select as many or as few as you like.
a. U.S. Presidential campaign lasts way too long

Since the 1980's when we stopped being citizens and became consumers, our nations salespeople know the rule. A.B.C. (Always Be Campaigning)
Please make it stop already.

b. U.S. candidates for President waste a lot of money
c. 2016 U.S. Presidential Race is a steaming pile of poo!
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!

Friday, November 20, 2015

I'm Doomed - 6. Pay Up

Once upon a time the Narco Pharma Medical Industrial Complex would try to create a sense of urgency because they knew could badger you to pay when the Insurance Protection Racket Industry demurred about payment.

Now it is more a case of ..... whenever.

Meanwhile, now that the Insurance Protection Racket Industry actually has to pay for healthcare procedures rather then hoard the cash profits and invest them in black market oil deals with nefarious organizations generating more share holder profits; their collective whining is enough to wake the dead from past preexisting condition canards.

How do they do it.


Step right up.

To top it off while being sliced and diced marginal source of revenue goes poof like the vapors released from incision.

Oh My.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


I was driving this train. I was the conductor, engineer, and fire woman. He had lit this flame and I was stoking it up for a full speed ahead cross cuntry trip. 

Reflecting On His Toes

Friday, August 21, 2015

Notes-The Mill

One look at the photograph taken in the early morning does not do the story justice. There I was. There was Jim. There was Lynn also on the far side of me. Sam was front and center, as he likes it, with me peering around him leaning on the bar. There was my cleavage pressing into Sam's arm. I had his bicep in my boobs grasp.That was the night I got what I had longed for. This night also drove home the words, “be careful what you wish for”.

My frustration had reached new heights that very day. Why is it the men I do not want peering at my breasts are always leering, while the man I want to show them off to would always speak to me eye to eye. I had never even caught Sam sneaking a peek. What I did not realize is just how sneaky he really was. But he is a man. Now he is my midnight Sam.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Notes - Pass Around Joy

Parked in the forest preserve with Beverly and I in the front seat, Reno and Joy in the back, while The Nanny was waiting impatiently at her work place for me to pick her up after theater practice.

I don't know why I always do this.

Well. Yes I do.

I fell in love way too young.

I stayed in love way too young.

Yet I wanted to partake of the strange and varied fruits that were out in the world.

Few were stranger or unusual as Beverly.

Still fewer were as bountiful as Joy.

There was much thrashing, smacking, and gnashing going on in the deep pool of blackness behind the front seat of my 1966 Pontiac Bonneville. Meanwhile I was awash in the moist resplendence and tossing throes between Beverly’s cheeks and tongue.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Friday, June 14, 2013

Petey's Stoopid Thought for the Day

      I can turn easy things into rocket science in my mind just like that. ( I snap my fingers and everybody on the train looks at me like I am crazy.)    

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Petey's Stoopid Thought for the Day

When I find myself looking at a young woman it is not because I have any expectation of bedding her. Often it is because they remind me of bedded or bedded wish list items from years gone by.

Same holds true for checking out women my own age. Except; though still highly unlikely, hope springs almost as eternal as other parts of my nether regions.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Petey's Stoopid Thought for the Day

Why am I not in a relationship now?

Because I have not found anyone I could make or would enjoy making as miserable as I had made my ex wife.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

About Me

My photo
Purveyor of paralogical compliance to verbally mediated reality, artisanal smut, with a pinch of full time flâneur tossed in to taste.